Alice's Sacrifice (Alice Clark Series) Read online

Page 3

  “Alright you two, keep practicing. I think we are done for now,” Sariel said.

  Without another word, Cole lifted her into his arms and carried her towards the house. She laughed and fought to get down, Cole! He joined her laughter and set her down. Arm in arm they entered the house and ran up the stairs into their bedroom.

  Barely through the door, Cole pounced on her, and they nearly missed landing on the bed. A normal girl might be frightened by his aggressiveness, but she was far from normal, and she was enjoying every second of it. She wrapped her legs around his waist and rolled them until his back hit the floor with a thud and she was straddling him. She was enjoying her strength, and so was he. She pulled away from him to remove her shirt. He reached up and pulled her ferociously back into him. Hunger for him was taking over all of her senses and she let it, willingly.

  Alice and Cole lay breathless on the floor. The bedroom was quite a disaster from the tornado of lust that had overtaken them. She sat up, smiling, resting her head in her hands and hoping to steady her breath. Cole ran his fingers softly across her back as he laid propped up on his other arm. He kissed the small of her back, breathing in her scent.

  “I just want to stay in bed all day,” she said.

  “Well, we can move to the bed if you wish.”

  “I want to, so desperately, but…”

  “You have to work, I know you want to get back to a normal life.”

  “As normal as it can be,” she laughed.

  He kissed her gently with control behind it; she knew he was struggling to let her go. “Okay, go before I change my mind and pin you to this spot.”

  “As if I couldn’t get away.”

  “As if you would want to,” he challenged.

  She bit her lip in debate, but responsibility won out. She got dressed and threw her tangled hair into a bun on the top of her head.

  “I’ll be up later; I’ll give you a chance to fill Camille in.”

  “Jake told her?” she asked, until her cheeks flushed, realizing what he actually meant.

  “I am well aware that girls talk about everything with their best friends,” he kissed her forehead and pushed her out the door. “Now go, so I can take a cold shower.

  She giggled as she left.

  Alice strolled into the bar practically dancing with joy. She went into the office to say hello to Max and gave him a kiss on the forehead. She put her stuff behind the bar and even greeted Jasmine with a pleasant hello. Camille was with Jake in their usual spot, playing pool. Sariel was at the far end of the bar. She wiped down the bar to the beat of the music seeping from the new jukebox.

  “You are in a great mood,” Max said, smiling.

  “It’s been a great few days.”

  “I’m heading out; do you need anything?”

  “I’m good.” She hugged him like a daughter, but she practically was his daughter. He returned it.

  “Okay kiddo, be safe. I’ll talk to you later.”

  As he walked out, Kokabiel entered. “Hello Alice, you look… happy?”

  “I do, don’t I? Scotch?”

  “Make it a double.”

  Alice poured him his scotch and slid it down the bar to him. Though he wasn’t looking, he caught it. Her chest began to thump from Cole’s heartbeat as he approached the bar, sending a rush of adrenaline through her. She had to get rid of it quickly or she might jump him right here in front of everyone when he came through the door.

  Quickly she refilled everyone’s drinks, sauntered over to the jukebox and inserted a pocket of quarters turning up the volume dial to blare Florence + the Machines, Kiss With a Fist. She lip-synced the words as it began, with her head against the jukebox. When the beat kicked in, she pounded her fist against the machine. She began dancing through the bar to the music as it vibrated through her. The sound of Kokabiel letting out a huge laugh erupted through her ears. Alice started singing along as she walked to the pool table grabbing Camille to proceed to rock the song out. She felt when Cole walked into the bar and sat down next to his dad, but this time she wasn’t embarrassed. In fact she had never felt so alive, so blessed, for lack of a better word. Camille played air guitar as Alice climbed up onto a table and lived life through the song. When it ended, the room erupted with laughter and applause.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into you, but please keep doing whatever you are doing,” Camille said as she hugged Alice. Alice walked back behind the bar, shaking her head at her unusual display.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Cole teased. And hot.

  “Rum and coke?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “I have to say, Alice, every time I think I couldn’t possibly enjoy your company more, you prove me wrong,” Kokabiel said.

  “Well, thank you. Feeling’s mutual.”

  And it was. Her mother’s warning started to creep to the forefront of her mind, and the air in the bar grew thick. She cleared her throat to rid it from her lungs. Today I am just enjoying life, she thought to herself. When she looked up, Kokabiel, Cole, Sariel and Jake all lifted their glasses in her direction with a ‘cheers to that motion’.

  Cole had never felt as alive as he had during the last few weeks. He knew it was all due to Alice’s new outlook on the world. Her mood had a habit of rubbing off onto him. He was a little sad that her first class was that afternoon; he wanted to let her sleep in. She looked so peaceful when she slept. He watched as her face turned from at peace to almost terrified. He had two choices, fall asleep quickly or wake her up. Or, maybe… he thought. Alice, can you hear me? Are you alright? He felt stupid thinking it would work, but why not test the theory? He waited for a few moments, but as the seconds elapsed, his worry took over. He reached out to her to wake her, but hesitated.

  I’m okay, Cole, give me one more minute.

  He was in complete shock; they had spoken to each other while in a sleeping state. This was not that far of a stretch. They could do that when they were both awake and they had been in the same dream together while asleep, hundreds of times. He watched her as patiently as he could until finally her eyes began to flutter and then open.

  “Whoa,” she said.

  “That’s all you got?”

  “Hey, I just woke up; give me a second to gather myself.”

  He softened and offered to get coffee. She declined, which actually made him worry.

  “I’m okay, Cole, relax. I heard my mother’s voice again, and she said the bounty hunters are coming for me. Rambling about being careful, but that’s all I could understand.”

  “I’m calling your father.” She just fell back into the bed and covered her face with the pillow as he got up and left the room.

  Cole picked up his cell phone and dialed Paul’s number, pacing in his boxers. Come on, come on answer the damn phone. On nearly the last ring Paul answered.

  “Hello?” Paul asked groggily on the other end.

  “Alice had another dream. She was warned that the bounty hunters are coming for her, but that is all the information she got.”

  “I’ll be right over, and I think we are going to have to take a trip together to the field. I’ll be there soon.” With that Paul hung up. Cole decided to brew some coffee while settling his nerves.

  Alice came downstairs with her head held high, sniffing the air like a wild animal. “Mmm. Coffee.”

  “I figured you would want some when you were more awake,” he said as he handed her a cup. “Paul is on his way.”

  “Cole, I am not missing my first class.” He just shrugged at her. “This isn’t even up for discussion!”

  “What if they come for you there while we are all just sitting at home waiting for you to return?” he yelled.

  “The school is run by a Fallen angel, Cole; they have guards whose job is solely to watch out for me. They all die if I die, remember?” She reached for the cookie jar where she usually stashed her cigarettes. He frowned when he saw her frustration boil over at the empty jar. She smacked it off
of the counter; it shattered on impact with the wall. He walked over and turned her towards him; she fought him with anger dripping off of her. He wasn’t going to let up. He pulled her in to him.

  “Okay, you are going to class. Paul is going to be harder to convince, I’m sure. I just don’t want to lose you.” He fought back the water in his eyes and won.

  “I will be okay. You have to trust that. If anything, I can call for you now.” She nuzzled into his neck as the front door burst open. “Shit, Dad! They aren’t here right now.”

  “I’m sorry; I was worried, and I let it get the best of me. You are both okay though, right?” Paul said.

  “We are fine. It was a warning, that’s all, and not a very clear one,” Alice said. “How about breakfast? We can talk after that.” Paul nodded and Alice turned to Cole. He smiled and turned to the fridge to make them all breakfast.

  She was relieved that Paul had calmed down so quickly and gotten back to his normal demeanor. She knew she was safe at school and was excited to dive back into her work. She pulled into the parking lot a little slower than on her first visit, sizing up the other students. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and read the text message from Camille, Hope you have a great first day! But just know I am super pissed we aren’t going to the same school. Xoxo. Alice just rolled her eyes and shoved the phone back into her pocket. She opened her trunk and started digging out her supplies.

  “Hey, new girl.” A voice called out behind her.

  She slammed her head on her trunk as she tried to turn and see who was talking to her. “Ouch, shit.”

  “Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “It’s fine, I’m a bit of a mess today.” She looked up into the boy’s face. Not a boy at all, around her age with sandy brown hair, crushed under a knit cap. His face was slightly rounded but thin. He was actually pretty cute.

  “I’m James. Dean Vassago told me to help you to your first class.”

  “Oh, okay.” They started walking towards the school. “Does everyone dress like that?” She pointed at the girls walking in with all black attire and lip piercings.

  “Oh God, no, honey. Only those who wish they were as good as the rest of us.” He chuckled and bumped her arm. “You have a boyfriend?”

  “Ugh, yeah. Are you seriously hitting on me?” she asked awkwardly, following him through the statues of students in the hallway.

  “You are nice to look at, but no, I bat for the other team.”

  She smiled, wondering if her intuition of people was off more than just a little today. “I’m sorry, I’m just…”

  “A bit of a mess?” he offered.

  “Yeah,” she laughed.

  “No worries, doll, I’ve got your back.” Thankfully, she followed James to her first class.


  “Yeah, the classrooms are a bit interesting here.”

  She set her things down by the door and slowly turned around, taking in the room. The ceiling was nothing but skylights, partly covered by the same ivy that was all over the building. The floor was matte gray marble. You would think the lack of color would kill your creativity, but it was quite the opposite. Eight students were set up with easels or desks throughout the large room, working on all sorts of disciplines. Sculpture, oil painting, pencil, charcoal, acrylics - you name it, and it was in that room.

  “This is your station. The Dean said that you prefer charcoal, so he had an easel set up for you. Canvas is back there, charcoal is in the box here, but I see you brought your own supplies. If you need anything, I’m in the back corner.”

  “Are you the teacher or something?”

  “No, more like teacher’s aide. Theresa stepped out to speak with the Dean. I’m sure she will be back soon.”

  “So how long is it until the next class?”

  “Oh no, doll, this is your class. Period. You can come and go as you please, but the Dean prefers you are here for your scheduled time at the minimum.”

  “That won’t be a problem. I think I could live in here.” She was completely awestruck. James laughed and headed over to his station.

  Alice didn’t waste any time. She went and grabbed a canvas right away and pulled out her favorite medium, charcoal. This place was having quite an effect on her, and she knew once she started, she wouldn’t stop until they were kicked out of the room.

  With her chin in her hands, she tried to stay awake. This class is so boring. She heard a snicker behind her but ignored it as she ignored everything else. She was still bummed that Alice was off at her fancy new art school and had left her alone at the community college. She half hoped Cole would be taking classes this semester so she wouldn’t be completely alone, but that hadn’t worked out either. A short woman with silver hair paced back and forth in front of the white board, waiting for anyone to join in on the discussion. Did this professor not get the memo? It’s the first day, lady.

  “Alright class, read chapters 1-3 and we will have an actual discussion next week.”

  Finally. She gathered her things and pulled her phone out to see if Alice had texted her back, to find nothing. She probably already has a new best friend. She sighed quietly and headed off to another class she was sure would be equally boring.

  Of course, her last class of the night had a professor with no intention of letting them leave one second earlier than 9:00P.M. She knew she was being overly agitated about the whole thing. Really, she was miffed at Jake. He was acting strange, like he wanted to talk to her about something, but every time she tried to ask what was wrong or it looked like he was going to begin, he would clam up and change the subject. She knew he had to be breaking up with her, so logically, she decided after class to head up to Max’s bar and force the information out of him one way or another. Worst case she ended up at Alice’s with Rocky Road Ice cream and would kick Cole to the couch.

  The wind seemed as harsh as her attitude as she pulled her jacket hood up over her face, shivering slightly. She felt as if someone was following her, but every time she looked, there was no one there. Why did I have to park so far away? She cursed herself. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw someone standing in the parking lot to her right. She probably wouldn’t have noticed, but it looked like they were watching her and there weren’t any cars in that lot. The thought alone sent enough panic up her spine to make her pace quicken. As if on cue, the man started walking towards her. She gave up on not looking like a nut case and took off in a full fledged run to her car.

  She slammed into the side of the car fighting with her keys. “Come on, damn it!” Finally her key unlocked her car and she flung herself inside. Her heart pounded so hard she could hear it ringing in her ears. She started the car and threw it in reverse. By the time she was pulling out of the parking lot the man was standing next to the entrance. She couldn’t help but look at him and give him the finger as she pealed out. His hood was covering his face, but she could tell he was bad news.

  Adrenaline kicked in to high gear forcing her to call Jake and tell him what happened.

  “What did he look like?” Jake demanded over the phone.

  “I don’t know, Jake, he was wearing a fucking hood that came down past his nose.”

  “Just get here as fast as you can. Do not stop, you understand?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” She hung up the phone and threw it at her passenger seat. The closer she got to the bar, to Jake, the calmer she began to feel. She took her usual exit and ignored the speed limit signs on the way to the bar. Two more miles, she told herself. Her phone beeped so she reached for it and flipped it open. I miss you too! Let’s do a girl’s night this week so I can make it up to you. Xoxo back. She flipped the phone shut with a smile. “Okay Alice, this one time you are off the…” as she looked up, something huge appeared in the road, and she slammed on her brakes and tried to avoid hitting it.

  Her car plowed into the animal, the car wrapping around it all the way up to the windshield. Camill
e’s face slammed into the steering wheel, and everything went black.

  Dazed, Camille opened her eyes to see the animal pulling itself from the wreckage. She was having trouble keeping her eyes open, but she swore it was a man. When she opened her eyes again, her door was open.

  “Are you hurt, ma’am?” a dark voice asked.

  “I don’t know, my head, I think.” She looked up to find the hooded man looking at her with a devilish grin spreading across his face.

  “I can fix that for you,” he said as he slammed her head through the windshield and disappeared.

  Alice packed her supplies into her trunk and slammed it shut. She smiled up at the bright moon in the clear sky. She turned to see James loading his car a few spaces down from her.

  “Great work today, Alice; see you in a few days.”

  “Thanks, James,” she said as she waved goodbye.

  She looked at her phone to find no response from Camille. She must be really pissed. I’ll stop by the bar on my way home and talk to her. She texted Cole. Going to the bar on my way home to chat with Camille. Be home soon. Love you. She put her phone away and headed towards the bar.

  Her phone went off while she was driving, but she didn’t like to text and drive. She turned down Violet Road toward the bar and noticed a crowd of red and white lights. The hair on the back of her neck sat straight up and her mouth felt dry as she grew nearer. A police officer waved her over to explain no one could get by.

  “Alice?” She heard a familiar voice shout.

  Against the officer’s request she jumped out of her car and pushed past him and toward, Jake? She started running toward him as terror washed over her that someone she loved was hurt.

  “Jake! What happened?” she shrieked. She tried to rush past him, but he caught her by the arm and pulled her into his arms. “No, who is it? What happened?” she cried out. She tried to see, but a fire truck was blocking her view. She stopped struggling and looked into Jake’s eyes, he was crying. “Oh, my God, no! Camille!”